libro della giungla king louie

[VES Awards 2017] Il Libro della Giungla domina con ben 5 premi

Prosegue la marcia di avvicinamento verso la lunga notte degli Oscar 2017, questa notte infatti a Los Angeles sono stati assegnati i VES Awards 2017, i premi destinati ai migliori effetti visivi della stagione assegnati dalla Visual Effects Society, l’associazione degli artisti degli effetti visivi.

A dominare la rassegna 2017 è stato Il Libro della Giungla, il live action della Disney ha trionfato portandosi a casa ben 5 premi, tra cui quello più importante in relazione alla categoria degli effetti visivi agli Oscar, ossia quello dei migliori effetti visivi in un live action, a questo punto il trionfo anche agli Academy Awards dovrebbe essere solo una formalità.

Due premi se li hanno spartiti Deepwater Horizon e Oceania, mentre rimane a secco, clamorosamente, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.

Ecco tutti i vincitori dell’edizione 2017 dei VES Awards 2017:

  • Outstanding Visual Effects in a Photoreal Feature: “The Jungle Book”
  • Outstanding Supporting Visual Effects in a Photoreal Feature: “Deepwater Horizon”
  • Outstanding Visual Effects in an Animated Feature: “Kubo and the Two Strings”
  • Outstanding Visual Effects in a Photoreal Episode: “Game of Thrones”: “Battle of the Bastards”
  • Outstanding Supporting Visual Effects in a Photoreal Episode: “Black Sails”: “XX”
  • Outstanding Visual Effects in a Real-Time Project: “Uncharted 4”
  • Outstanding Visual Effects in a Commercial: John Lewis; Buster the Boxer
  • Outstanding Visual Effects in a Special Venue Project: “Pirates of the Caribbean”: “Battle for the Sunken Treasure”
  • Outstanding Animated Performance in a Photoreal Feature: “The Jungle Book”: King Louie
  • Outstanding Animated Performance in an Animated Feature: “Finding Dory”: Hank
  • Outstanding Animated Performance in an Episode or Real-Time Project: “Game of Thrones”: “Battle of the Bastards”: Drogon
  • Outstanding Animated Performance in a Commercial: John Lewis; Buster the Boxer
  • Outstanding Created Environment in a Photoreal Feature: “Doctor Strange”: New York City
  • Outstanding Created Environment in an Animated Feature: “Moana”: Motunui Island
  • Outstanding Created Environment in an Episode, Commercial, or Real-Time Project: “Game of Thrones”: “Battle of the Bastards”: Meereen City
  • Outstanding Virtual Cinematography in a Photoreal Project: “The Jungle Book”
  • Outstanding Model in a Photoreal or Animated Project: “Deepwater Horizon”: Deepwater Horizon Rig
  • Outstanding Effects Simulations in a Photoreal Feature: “The Jungle Book”: Nature Effects
  • Outstanding Effects Simulations in an Animated Feature: “Moana”
  • Outstanding Effects Simulations in an Episode, Commercial, or Real-Time Project: “Game of Thrones”: “Battle of the Bastards”: Meereen City
  • Outstanding Compositing in a Photoreal Feature: “The Jungle Book”
  • Outstanding Compositing in a Photoreal Episode: “Game of Thrones”: “Battle of the Bastards”: Retaking Winterfell
  • Outstanding Compositing in a Photoreal Commercial: John Lewis; Buster the Boxer
  • Outstanding Visual Effects in a Student Project: “Breaking Point”


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